Dental Care

Pet dental care

At Lisbon Road Animal Hospital we perform dental cleanings Monday-Friday. Periodontal disease is the most common ailment in our four-legged friends and if not treated oral infections can lead to irreversible damage to the heart, liver and kidneys.

We also perform more complex dental procedures which include full mouth extractions, oronasal fistula repair, oral tumor removal, pocket pet tooth trimming and fractured tooth removal.

Pet Dental Care in Lewiston, Maine

Animals must be put under general anesthesia for dental work and our patients are carefully monitored during their dental surgery to ensure they remain happy and healthy during the procedure.

Pain management is an important part of preventing pain “windup” and intra-oral dental blocks (local injection of bupivacaine) are used during our dental extraction procedures to help control pain before it starts.   We have the ability to do both simple and complex extractions including making surgical flaps, drilling alveolar bone, sectioning large multi-rooted teeth and both hand and ultrasonic scaling and polishing procedures.  Dissolvable suture material is used to allow for a smooth recovery process, and we recheck our post-operative dental procedures in 7 days to be sure everything is healing normally.

Contact Lisbon Road Animal Hospital

To New Clients for a dental exam or cleaning, call us at 207-784-5421.